Friday, March 18, 2011

Wedding Photos

Hey they say it's a once in a lifetime, at least for some people. Let's face it for anyone who plans to get married wedding photos rank up there like that first "your now Husband and Wife" kiss. This past weekend I took a trip to Orlando, Florida to a Wedding.

I took those with my Hipstamatic iPhone for fun, while I enjoyed the wedding with my future wife's family. That's right we plan on get married in October this year. We are n the process of picking out a wedding photographer and I have to admit it's more difficult then I thought. I try to think the way my clients do and it usually comes down to who she wants and what.

If any of you have any suggestions feel free to let me know which photographer to go with. Until next time, peace.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What a Photo Can do!

Why use still photography when you have moving images? I just watched an amazing video that brought back full circle why still images create thought, depth and feeling. You tell me if your not moved:

I had to share this because Art is my pulse, feel and go with your heatbeat.

Where to buy?

Maybe I should of put this up earlier? Let's face it, if we want a camera at a deceit price where should one go? Fortunately I live in New York the Mecca of photo, video and film production and only a train ride away from the best photo and video store in the world. no, they didn't pay me to say this but B&H Photo Video is by far the most resourceful place I've gone or sent anyone to purchase a camera.

This company was started and is run by hasidic jewish people so check their store hours before you head over. Another store similar to theirs is none another than Adorama on 17th street and what separates them from B&H is that they rent you merchandise. That's awesome because you may not be able to afford an expense lens or camera and if you rent on a Friday you can use it for the whole weekend. I have to warn you I'm sure when you first start your account you may have to put up the actual amount a product cost before borrowing it. Just like another favorite of mine K&M Camera and if you start an account with them as a student they keep you in their system so when you go back to rent that $1500 plus lens you can get it for at least $100 a day or for the entire weekend. I rent weekends!

Also guys keep in mind each of these places offer free user tips, either as a seminar where you can go and speak to a professional or a video you could watch online right now. I encourage you sign up to their monthly newsletters and stay in tune with the latest happenings. Cool stuff right?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


When you think of a photo camera do you think about video? Well you should! It's become a common shift for most still image camera's to have a video component. Now it may surprise you but lots of shows or music video that you currently watch may of been shot on an HDSLR camera.

For lower end film makers these camera's are as close to film as you can possibly get without breaking the bank. You have the ability to change lenses, which gives you a greater depth of field and aperture control which gives you a greater range in filming in low lighting. As a photographer knowing how to create video can boost your business and make you a more versatile player in this growing trend.