Monday, February 28, 2011

Lighting and Headshots

This is probably the most important and essential aspect in photography. Indoor or outdoors you will need to light your subject and trust me you need to understand lighting and learn to manipulate it. The first technique you should learn is three point lighting.  It is the most basic technique and one that every beginner starts with and all professionals know. From there you play with different set-ups and options.

Another format a photographer should know is beauty shots/ Head shots. These are close ups shots framed from right below the shoulder to about an inch above the subjects head. Models, and actors use these shots for comp cards that helps them get jobs. As a photographer you can help create these cards and make some money while you practice your craft in lighting. 

1 comment:

  1. I really dig your blog dude, ESPECIALLY tis post. As a CT major, it's nice to seethings ive learned (and at some point forgotten) somewhere that's easily accessible and so easy to understand. The picture really helps as well. The format of your blog really works. It feels well thought out and personal.
