What's up people, great news! Right now for limited time a new lens is available on Hipstamatic. The Chunky Lens and I suggest you update or purchase Hipstamatic and get this new addition. It's only available during fashion week and then it will sell for 99¢ In order to install the program you have to own an iPhone, right now it's not available on any other platform. Sorry for the rest of you...
After you get the app make sure you join their new contest. While your at it join the Hipstamatic Community I'm sure they have a Facebook.
Images with the Chunky Lens and new film filter look like this:
After you get the app make sure you join their new contest. While your at it join the Hipstamatic Community I'm sure they have a Facebook.
Images with the Chunky Lens and new film filter look like this:
this is cool man